How do you reposition sales as a profession to be proud to work in?

With its unique e-learning programme, LSOS aims to empower sales managers to become effective leaders and help them shape a profession that they and future generations can be proud of. LSOS was created for salespeople by salespeople, putting them in control of their learning experiences to overcome common work challenges.

A laptop displaying the London School of Sales LSOS Website Homepage on a bright red background

Our creative formula: ‘‘Empathy and Compassion’

We developed a visual style to exude empathy, along with other LSOS core values of passion, compassion, pride and fun.

Alongside real people we positioned ‘little helper’ illustrations to represent LSOS tools, techniques and support. We introduced graphic computer screens to frame people to represent LSOS’s blend of e-learning and physical coaching. This enabled us to acknowledge the barriers to classroom learning presented by Covid-19 while promoting the e-learning opportunity offered by LSOS.

Each aspect of the campaign reflected the LSOS team’s awareness of the audience’s challenges and desire to answer ‘SOS’ calls. We published a ‘thought of the day’ -style post for every week day. A senior sales professional reported from the frontline, answering aspiring salespeople’s questions under the byline “Leigh Dingwell”.

Additional magic: A launch campaign with UX-optimised marketing website to complement the e-learning portal, an integrated SEO campaign; a creds video animation; a social media campaign focused on engagement, education and entertainment, supporting people to upskill/reskill, and to think differently about sales.

“NEO quickly understood our ambitions and vision for LSOS and helped us to turn these into a brand proposition that reflected what was going on in the wider world and resonated with our target audiences, helping to build brand awareness and demonstrate brand intent.”


Creativity is a catalyst for connecting
people and ideas.


Let’s make magic